Friday, November 19, 2010

The Academic Blogger: Part III

The Academic Blogger who impersonated my father, Dr. Lawrence Schiffman, has been sentenced this week to 6 months in jail and 5 years' probation. Read more about that from the NY times article here.
The irony of the case is that Golb (who committed the crime) used the most modern internet technology, blogs, and social media to discuss issues of antiquity and theories of some of the oldest fragments we have.
History is fascinating and its issues are current and relevant!


  1. Im sure you know all the behind the scenes stuff...
    I remember reading about this case and was fascinated that this guy thought he would get away with it. He said that he has remorse over it...but thats probably because he got caught : )

  2. Actually in the probation arguments of the sentencing he said that he would do it again and did not show remorse. Seems he thought he was justified and did not care that it would ruin others' reputations.

  3. Wow, very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I had a few more questions about it but dont want to take over your comment section : ). Definitly a very interesting case. Sorry you had to experience it first hand.
    Btw, just discovered your blog, keep up the great writing.

  4. You can certainly take up my comments section as that enhances the blog! Thanks for finding me and hope you continue to find something of interest. Are you on Twitter?

  5. When I have a chance a little later, I will try and go through some of your older posts. I like how you dont just dwell on one topic. I never did the twitter thing. Havent taken the plunge yet.

  6. Well I checked out your profile and if you are "bored" and looking for stimulating discussion, I'll be happy to introduce you to many people and bloggers who are both fun and controversial. There are so many frum ppl on twitter and we have a great social network there. Just send me your new user name and I will introduce you via Twitter to all the "tweeps."

  7. The identity theft aspect of the case is quite interesting. Seems like he went to great lengths to impersonate your father for no financial reason.

  8. I will take you up on the twitter thing....but not yet, because it looks addictive and I was just handed a new case recently to work on so it has become a little busier here, but I will keep it in mind. Thanks!

  9. It is only the third criminal case of non-financial identity theft- according to the articles published at least. He was promoting his own father's academic position regarding the origins of the Dead Sea Scrolls.


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