
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Tzvi is Shabbos (Shabbat) Abba!

Tzvi is Shabbos Abba!

I really like the concept of Shabbos Abba (father) and Shabbos Ima (mother). Virtually all Jewish preschool programs assign one boy and one girl to take on this unique role. The children have to bring (actually, the parents have to send) a treat to distribute to the class for the Friday celebration. The children are the limelight of the pre-Shabbos excitement an have all the attention for the Shabbos party.

This role play is also a great opportunity for our children to enjoy being just like Mommy or Daddy. The Mommy lights the Shabbos candles and the Daddy makes kiddush. The children learn the correct blessings to say and mimic what we do in our own homes to welcome Shabbos. It is truly a beautiful way of engaging children in the meaning of this weekly routine of Shabbos.

The children are proud to bring home the paper that says they have been chosen and even prouder to go select the treat and bring it in. To top it all off, my son will be mentioned along with his Shabbos Ima in the Kindergarten weekly newsletter or the "Dear Parents" as we call it.

When I started writing this post, I was planning on being a lot more cynical. WHY does the teacher only tell me about it on Wednesday? WHY does my son leave the note in his knapsack and fail to mention it until AFTER I have done my Shabbos shopping? EVERY. TIME.

BUT after thinking more about it, I see the true meaning and importance of this traditional curriculum and my inconvenience is suddenly overshadowed by beauty and excitement for this "mitzvah." I am proud that my son is Shabbos Abba this week and that he is so excited about it.

I am EXTREMELY grateful to my friend Rebecca who heard during carpool that my son was Shabbos Abba and offered to pick up the treats (nut free facility, kosher brand cookies). You have made my life much easier this week! Thank you!

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