
Thursday, January 3, 2013

My 2012

2012 was a fun year. Here's my best summary. I:
Gave birth to an amazing baby girl. Named her after my grandmother who I loved so much and still miss dearly. Nicknamed her Siri after the iPhone.
Watched all my kids grow and mature. Battled with the three year old. Toilet trained.
Established a solid night time and homework routine for my older girls.
Ran a $3 million charity fundraising gala. Worked a lot. Learned a lot. Gained a lot.
Began learning with my niece. Love the relationship we are building. Need to stay on schedule.
Lost a few pounds. Still going.
Went to a few tweetups and made many friends via social media.
Bought and returned too many pairs of shoes to count.
Got my own domain name. Thanks Jeremy!
Got a new babysitter and worked through the ups and downs.
Continued in my "War on Clutter." Convinced Jeremy to hire a cleaning lady to help.
Drove carpool every morning. Twice.
Threw 4 birthday parties for my adorable kids and hosted many guests.
Cooked a ton. Took a million photos of the foods I cooked.
Tweeted and Facebooked too much.
Nursed for 8 months and pumped too many ounces to calculate.
Built many structures out of Clics. What a great toy!
Read "Biscuit," "Pinkalicious," "Go, Dog Go," and more favorites hundreds of times.
Sent a gazillion emails. Yes, I counted.
Became an Amazon Prime member and enjoyed it.
Learned to polish my own nails.
Tried parsnip purée for the first time.
Guest posted on a friend's blog for the first time.
Gave and got advice. Lots of it.
Spent too much money in the Target $1 section. Bribed my kids that many times.
Reorganized the entire basement and toy room twice. Kids destroyed them both in 5 seconds flat.
Worked hard. Played hard.
Ate the taster's menu in February at Mike's Bistro and I'm still talking about it. What an awesome birthday!
Had 6 weeks off from work for maternity leave and savored my time.
Snuggled, cuddled, and giggled with my kids at bedtime. Threatened and disciplined at times.
Gave thousands of kisses to each child. And then some.
Ate lots of chocolate.
Tried to go to sleep early, but to no avail. Clearly.
Traveled to Cape Cod in April and went camping with my family in July. Priceless.
Got to hang with my siblings from Israel when they visited in the summer. Met my nephew for the first time. He is precious.
Bought a new and amazing camera. Never printed the pictures. But I will!
Got good reports at parent-teacher conferences. And the kids got solid report cards.
Celebrated many birthdays and births with friends and family.
Got to spend Shabbos and holidays with my family, which made every week and month more meaningful.
Met new neighbors and friends. Cherished old relationships.
Lived for a week without power in the aftermath of Sandy. Thanked G-d that everyone was safe and sound and together. We lit many candles and went to bed early.
Bought meaningful presents for others. Put much thought into what they might want.
Summarized my year in a blog post.
Shared it with the world because I...
Enjoyed every moment of 2012.

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