
Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I am now using Instagram for my photos. I think it is kind of fun to add different looks and techniques to the photos. However, I'm not sure how this method preserves the actual picture.
I also see so many different pictures with complex techniques but I'm not sure how people apply them. Do they overlap photos? Do they use more than one? Do they Photoshop pictures separately and then upload to Instagram? I'm still sorting it out for myself.
I'm having fun with it anyway-both on my Droid and my iPad.
I don't quite understand why it is so popular. I guess it's also an easy way to share your photos with one click of a button to all sorts of different social media outlets. That is certainly marketable.
Do you instagram? What do you think?

P.S. follow me there: esteelavitt


  1. Do they Photoshop pictures instagram follower cheat separately and then upload to Instagram? I'm still sorting it out for myself.

  2. I think it is kind of fun to add different how to get instagram followers looks and techniques to the photos. However, I'm not sure how this method preserves the actual picture.

  3. Once you have filled out the form you can click PREVIEW and see if you like what you see! Here is what the preview will look like… instagram likes cheat
