
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What's in a Name: Naming After Grandma

I mentioned in the previous post that I would eventually post my feelings about naming my own daughter after my beloved grandmother, Hilda. Grandma's Hebrew name was Chaya Sarah, so my daughter now bears her name. I hope that she will be as amazing as her namesake. Click here to see what my grandmother was all about. Though Grandma lived a difficult life- losing her father at a young age, loving a husband who was sent to fight in World War II, fertility struggles, losing her brother and then most of her friends at an older age- she was the strongest woman I know. She was smart, funny, caring, very honest, kept her sense of self-worth and style, and made sure to always keep a happy face on even when things were not going her way. She always knew when to give advice, and when it was best to withhold it.
I wish that my daughter, Chaya Sarah, will have all these amazing character traits as well.
Being a mom is hard work. Instilling good perspective, optimism, and positive self esteem is even harder.  If I can teach my daughter even a quarter of what her great-grandmother lived each day, I will have succeeded.  As I write this, I am reminded of the great loss we all felt when Grandma passed away. I wish she got to know Chaya Sarah, and wish I did not have to name my baby after her at all.  I know Grandma would be proud of Siri and that she would bring her so much joy, just as the other 3 kids did.  I kiss my little girl and pray that she carry on Grandma's legacy.

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