
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Jewish Women Speak

I have never done anything quite like this, but I've joined group of Orthodox Jewish women who write about relevant topics or questions presented to the group and share via their blogs.
I will eventually host one of these here for my readers (it's a round robin type initiative), but in the meantime, if you're interested in my opinions, which I dole out often, head over to Rebecca Klempner's blog.
The topic at hand is how much we, as Jewish women, engage in pop culture.

Orthodox Women Talk: Roundtable about media consumption: READ ALL THE RESPONSES INCLUDING MINE BY CLICKING HERE.

Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

New Chapter

I am moving on and accepting a new role in a nonprofit! I have enjoyed my year working from home. I wish working from home could be the norm! I am however really looking forward to the new challenge ahead. My new job (which is part-time) utilizes my skills in management, communications and development in a nonprofit where I can be part of helping others and improving lives. I am not going to go into detail here on the position before I even start... You'll have to ask me personally for more details. The one thing I will say is that I am already surprised by the team feeling and collaboration within the new organization and I look forward to working in a place that values its staff above all.

My journey is just beginning but I think this is a good  move personally and professionally. Wish me luck!