
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Raising Feet

My mother in law has a famous saying...
"I didn't raise children, I raised feet!"
Buying shoes is a chore for me, especially because there are no local children's shoe stores.
My beautiful 5 year old Arielle keeps trying to convince me that she has outgrown her shoes and that she NEEDS new ones. According to my not so expert training and unbelievable thumbing skills, she still has room to grow.
Last time we went to get shoes (3 weeks ago), I had to buy my 4 yo Kayla 2 new pairs, sneakers and dressy shoes, because her feet genuinely grew. While we were there, we had them fit the 2 yo Tzvi, who was just growing out of his shoes. We bought him a pair as well so that we would not have to come back to the shoe store again. We had gone to the mall where we parked on the exact opposite side from the stride rite location. We finally reached the store and accomplished by purchasing 3 pairs! Arielle was sized and it was determined that her shoes still fit. Relief for me, disappointment for her!
But not more than two weeks later, she is trying to convince me to get her a new pair anyway!
Am I raising children, or feet?